


Pregătire Profesională









Aquademica Foundation uses an open-source approach, in order to create, socialize and globally disseminate solutions for building local circular economies. Aqua Circular On-line Conference 2021 promoted the innovative solutions for all the interested stakeholders in Romania and other European countries. The main purpose of the conference was to organize the framework for matching demand and supply in the circular water sector, aiming to improve the competitiveness of local stakeholders within the regional water market.


The conference was an innovative mixture of circular water project presentations and debates, facilitating the creation of strong partnerships among regional water operators, decision makers and technicians from regional utilities, local industry and agriculture, local start-ups, regional universities and R&D centers, technology providers, local and central administrations.


The full conference agenda can be found below, including the materials (in PDF format, in English and Romanian) that the lectors have used for their presentations.

  • [EN] Urban development and its role in quality of life *
    [RO] Dezvoltarea urbană și rolul acesteia pentru calitatea vieții *
    Sorin Maxim – General Director, West Regional Development Agency, Romania
  • [EN] Recovery of phosphorus from urban wastewater *
    [RO] Recuperarea fosforului din apele uzate urbane *
    Csaba Bauer – Aquaserv, Romania
  • [EN] WATER RESOURCE GARDENS – a Sustainable Solution for the Urban Water Cycle *
    [RO] Grădinile ca resurse de apă – O soluție sustenabilă pentru ciclul urban al apei *
    Attila BODNÁR
    – Organica Water, Hungary
  • [EN] Urban Floods, Think Circular
    [RO] Inundațiile urbane, gândește circular *
    Ștefania Balica – Independent researcher in floods management
  • [EN] Basics of Circular Economy in Industrial Symbiosis
    [RO] Bazele economiei circulare în simbioza industrială *
    Anne Kleyboecker – ULTIMATE WP Leader, KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin, Germany
  • [EN] Sewer mining at the Athens urban tree nursery *
    [RO] Valorificarea apei uzate la pepiniera urbană din Atena *
    Christos Makropoulos – National Technical University of Athens, Greece
  • [EN] Biogas production from anaerobic pre-treatment of municipal and/or food industry wastewater in Karmiel, Israel *
    [RO] Producerea de biogaz prin pre-tratarea anaerobă a apei uzate municipale și/sau generate de industria alimentară în Karmiel, Israel *
    Issam Sabbah – Galilee Society
    Dimitri Iossifidis – Greener than Green Technologies, Greece
  • [EN] Smart and circular water management approaches at Agricola slaughterhouse – EU H2020 AquaSPICE
    [RO] Abordări inteligente și circulare ale managementului apei la abatorul Agricola – EU H2020 AquaSPICE *
    Johann Poinapen – KWR, Netherlands
    Nicoleta Frunza – Agricola, Romania
  • [EN] Serious Game on Circular Economy – EU H2020 NextGen *
    [RO] Un joc serios despre economia circulară – EU H2020 NextGen *
    Dr. Mehdi Khoury – University of Exeter, UK
  • [EN] Steinzeug-Keramo and Circular Economy. Let’s not use what we can’t reuse *
    [RO] Steinzeug-Keramo și economica circulară. Să nu folosim ce nu putem refolosi *
    Mihai ȘtefanSales Engineer SE Europe, Steinzeug-Keramo
  • [EN] Utilization of industrial effluents: from Water Treatment to Zero Liquid Discharge *
    [RO] Utilizarea efluenților industriali: de la tratarea apei la zero deversări de apă *
    Robert Körner – Head of Marketing & Strategic Sales WEHRLE-WERK AG, Germany
  • [EN] Technology for the reuse of industrial wastewater *
    [RO] Tehnologii pentru reutilizarea apei uzate industriale *
    Doru Popa – Nijhuis Industries
  • [EN] Water safety in the context of circular economy *
    [RO] Noua directivă a apei potabile & Economia circulară *
    Mihaela Vasilescu
    – Ecological University of Bucharest, Romania
  • [EN] Nanotechnology in the field of Wastewater Circular Economy *
    [RO] Nanotehnologia în domeniul economiei circulare a apelor uzate *
    Constantin Damian
    – Director, KEMATRONIC, Romania
  • [EN] Contribution of wastewater epidemiology to community COVID-19 surveillance. Case study: The city of Thessaloniki in Greece (BIOREGIO Project)
    [RO] Contribuția epidemiologiei apelor uzate la monitorizarea comunitară a COVID-19. Studiu de caz: Orașul Tesalonic din Grecia (Proiectul BIOREGIO) *
    Theodoros KarapantsiosProfessor, Head of Laboratory of Chemical and Environmental Technology, Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
  • [EN] Important educational tools and resources in raising awareness of environmental issues applicable in the water sector *
    [RO] Instrumente și resurse educaționale importante pentru creșterea gradului de conștientizare a problemelor de mediu aplicabile în sectorul apei *
    Anca Drăghici – Professor, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania
              * presentation not available

Aqua Circular On-line Conference 2021 was organized for the water sector by the Aquademica Foundation (co-founded by AQUATIM, the largest water utility company in Western Romania, and Münchner Stadtentwässerung, the public wastewater management company of Munich), with the support of various partners, that can be found below. You can watch the recording of most of the presentations mentioned above on the Aquademica Facebook page.


Aquademica Foundation wishes to express its gratitude to all the people involved in making this event successful: partners, lectors, translators, contributors, sponsors and attendees.


We’re already looking forward to our next conference! 

Take care, stay healthy and see you there!


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Aquademica Foundation


Vocational training courses, consultancy, partnerships initiation & development, scientific events

Aquatim SA

Partner. Aquademica founding member

Drinking water and waste water services regional operator. Timiș County, Romania

Münchner Stadtentwässerung

Partner. Aquademica founding member

Public wastewater management company of the city of Munich, Germany

Aquaserv SA


Drinking water and waste water services regional operator. Mureș County, Romania


Politehnica University of Timișoara


The largest technical university in Western Romania


Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași


The largest technical university in Northeastern Romania


Business Development Group


Expertise in market entry & development, stimulating legal & institutional framework, knowledge transfer & capacity building, research & education



The NextGen initiative will evaluate and champion innovative and transformational circular economy solutions and systems that challenge embedded thinking and practices around resource use in the water sector. NextGen will demonstrate innovative technological, business and governance solutions for water in the circular economy in ten high-profile, large-scale, demonstration cases across Europe, and we will develop the necessary approaches, tools and partnerships, to transfer and upscale.




KWR generates knowledge to enable the water sector to operate water-wisely in our urbanized society. With a sense of professional and social responsibility for the quality of water, KWR's scientific findings and the resulting practical innovations contribute, worldwide, to a sustainable water provision in the urban water cycle.




A worldwide network of water research organisations and utilities, dedicated to delivering equitable water solutions for all. Watershare bridges research to practice on pressing water sector issues through global to local collaboration



Regional circular economy models and best available technologies for biological streams. BIOREGIO boosts bio-based circular economy through transfer of expertise about best available technologies and cooperation models.



National Institute for Research & Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry. Applied research for the development of new products and technologies in the following areas: Capitalization of bioresources; Nanosciences and nanomaterials; Environmental protection and sustainable management of resources; Increasing the competitiveness of industrial products; Recovery, recycling and recovery of by-products.


EIT Climate-KIC


The Romanian hub of Europe’s leading climate innovation initiative