


Pregătire Profesională








7th - 8th of October 2020

Aqua Circular On-line Conference 2020

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 Aqua Circular

 IMPORTANT: Registering for any presentation of the conference will automatically give you access to the entire conference
(all the 20 presentations).
Aqua Circular  On-line Conference 2020 is organized for the water sector by Aquademica Foundation (co-founded by AQUATIM, the largest water utility company in Western Romania, and Münchner Stadtentwässerung, the public wastewater management company of Munich), with support from different teams of  European Projects (INTERREG, HORIZON 2020 etc.). The event has high relevance for the Regional Development Agency WEST and municipalities in Western Romania, as well as for other policy makers.
During 2 days, on 7th and 8th of October 2020, in unconventional circumstances forced by the health crisis, a regional group of Romanian organizations will create virtually the best environment for debates on new innovative technologies, regional policies, barriers, new business models to follow in next years.

The conference is going to be an innovative mixture of presentations, circular water project presentations, debates with the aim of creating business opportunities in regional market and build strong partnerships among regional water operators, decision makers and technicians from regional utilities, local industry and agriculture, local start-ups, regional universities and R&D centers, technology providers, local and central administrations.
Aqua Circular is intended to promote the innovative solutions for all interested stakeholders in Western Romania but also from neighboring regions of Hungary and Serbia. The main objective of the conference is to organize the frame for matching demand and supply in the circular water, with aim to improve the competitiveness of local stakeholders within the regional water market.

The on-line conference will assist the city host Timisoara, to lead some of their activities towards  implementation of the Urban Water Agenda 2030. All participants will have the opportunity to debate the latest news on Circular Economy New Action Plan for a Cleaner and more Competitive Europe.
The innovative concept of circular economy and relations with the implementation of the National Strategy of Sustainable Goals for Romania by 2030 will attract specialists, students, engineers and managers, NGOs and public officers, future water leaders, able to design and implement innovative solutions with aim to have a holistic  view on the future sustainable developments, cross-sectorial approach and willingness to do it, no matter what barriers will occur on their way.

For more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Cristina Borca, Aquademica Foundation

  • Program (Romanian hour, UTC+3 or EEST)

7th October 2020

10,00-10,30Decentralised solutions in the context of circular economy
Shilp Verma – IWMI
(International Water Management Institute)
10,30-11,00Romania’s views regarding circular economy applied to water sector, in the spirit of Agenda 2030
László BorbélyState Councelor & Head of the Department for Sustainable Development of the Romanian Government, Romania
11,00-11,30Circular economy in the Belgian Water Sector
Francis Meerburg – Aquafin NV, Belgium
11,30-12,00Circular economy in Water sector in view of Water Europe
Durk Krol – Water Europe, Belgium
12,00-12,30Mangroves and the Circular Economy: where water meets water and what that implies
Katharine N. Farrell – Universidad de Rosario (Profesora Asociada de Carerra), Columbia
12,30-13,00Advances in applying circular economy concepts
Milan Veselinov – Industrial Ecology CEO – CIREKOV D.O.O., Serbia
13,00-13,30The strategy of developing the circular economy in the vision
of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform

Doris Cadar – Director | Department for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, IRCEM, Romania
13,30-14,00Circular Economy & Water in The Netherlands -best practices-
Anca Turtoi – Holland Circular Hotspot, The Netherlands
14,00-14,30SARS-CoV-2 surveillance in wastewater – international efforts
Thomas Wintgens – University of Aachen, Germany
14,30-15,00Sustainability, innovation and internationalization support services for the companies
Raluca Cibu – The Agency for Regional Development West , Romania

8th October 2020

10,00-10,30NEXTGEN Water project presentation
Jos Frijns – NextGen Water, KWR Water Research Institute, The Netherlands
10,30-11,00NEXTGEN Demo Case AQUATIM
Mihai Grozavescu – Aquatim SA, Romania

NEXTGEN Demo Case Switzerland Altenrhein
Anders Nättorp
– Switzerland

11,30-12,00BIOREGIO – Regional Circular economy models and best available technologies for biological streams
Mihaela Frincu
(National Research and Development Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry), Romania
12,00-12,30VOLATILE Project presentation
Thomas Dietrich
– Tecnalia, Spain
12,30-13,00Development of a Volatile Fatty Acids Platform
Filip Velghe – OWS, Belgium
13,00-13,30Circular economy applied to wastewater management
Carmen Teodosiu – Gheorghe Asachi University of Iasi, Romania
13,30-14,00Reuse of water and nutrients in hydroponic systems
Marius Mohr – Fraunhofer Institute, Germany
14,00-14,30Water reuse in industry
Xavier Martinez Lladó – Director | UT Water, Air and Soil, EURECAT, Spain

NanoTermo – Patented technology for the circular economy
Increasing the efficiency and reducing the operating costs of existing and new, small and medium treatment plants
Constantin Damian –  Director | KEMATRONIC SRL, Romania

Aquademica Foundation


Vocational training courses, consultancy, partnerships initiation & development, scientific events

Aquatim SA

Partner. Aquademica founding member

Drinking water and waste water services regional operator. Timiș County, Romania

Aquaserv SA


Drinking water and waste water services regional operator. Mureș County, Romania


Politehnica University of Timișoara


The largest technical university in Western Romania


Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași


The largest technical university in Northeastern Romania

Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering & Biotechnology


Member of Fraunhofer Society (the largest organization for applied research and development services in Europe), IGB develops and optimizes processes, technologies, and products for health, sustainable chemistry and the environment


Business Development Group


Expertise in market entry & development, stimulating legal & institutional framework, knowledge transfer & capacity building, research & education




Transilvanian Innovations and Technologies Center supports scientists develop collaborations with private industry & public/private research institutions, to gain access to European funding

Zalmo Expert Consult


Consultancy services on smart development, circular economy, general management, organizational optimization, business development, public image, public events, as well as training, coaching, mentoring and team building


EIT Climate-KIC


The Romanian hub of Europe’s leading climate innovation initiative



The NextGen initiative will evaluate and champion innovative and transformational circular economy solutions and systems that challenge embedded thinking and practices around resource use in the water sector. NextGen will demonstrate innovative technological, business and governance solutions for water in the circular economy in ten high-profile, large-scale, demonstration cases across Europe, and we will develop the necessary approaches, tools and partnerships, to transfer and upscale.

"Volatile" Project


Biowaste derived volatile fatty acid platform for biopolymers, bioactive compounds and chemical building blocks - Funded by European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program